Privacy Policy
Please note: This English translation is for reference only. All agreements will be covered by the original Japanese terms and conditions.

Image Magic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") fully recognizes the social mission regarding the protection of all personal information handled by the Company, protects the rights of the individual, and comply with laws and regulations related to personal information. In addition, we will build a personal information protection management system to embody the policies shown below, and continuously improve it, keep watching the latest IT technology trends, changes in social demands, changes in the business environment, etc. We hereby declare that we will work company wide.

a) When we obtain, use, or provide personal information, we will specify the purpose of use, notify or announce it, or obtain consent, and then handle personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and we will take measures for that purpose.
b) We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, guidelines set by the government, and other norms.
c) For risks such as leakage, loss, and damage of personal information, we will inject management resources that match the actual situation of the business to prevent risks by taking reasonable safety measures, and continuously improve the personal information security system. In addition, if it is considered that there is a problem with the protection of personal information, we will promptly take corrective measures.
d) We will respond promptly, honestly, and appropriately to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
e) The personal information protection management system will be reviewed in a timely and appropriate manner in consideration of changes in the environment surrounding the Company, and continuous improvement will be promoted.

Purpose of use of personal information
We will use personal information for the following purposes and will not use it for any other purpose.
(1) To send the ordered product.
(2) To charge for the ordered products and services.
(3) To confirm, investigate, or reply to inquiries received regarding our company or each service provided by our company.
(4) To contact the customer when it is considered that it is necessary to contact or notify the customer.
(5) For announcements and promotions of information that may be useful to customers, such as new services, new products, and functional improvements, and various proposals regarding services.
(6) To deliver the e-mail newsletter, etc. if you consent to the delivery of the e-mail newsletter, etc.
(7) To create materials for service development that are useful to customers by aggregating them as statistical information within the range that cannot be identified as an individual.
(8) For announcement on questionnaires, various campaigns, etc., and for sending related notifications and products, prizes, gifts, etc.
(9) For other purposes for which consent has been obtained.

Provision of personal information to outsourcers
We may outsource the business of handling your personal information to a third party within the scope of the purpose of use specified to you.
In that case, the Company shall conclude a consignment contract, confidentiality agreement, etc. with the consignee, including provisions that oblige the protection of personal information and provisions that limit the purpose of use.
The Company shall disclose personal information when entrusting the business of handling personal information to the minimum necessary for fulfilling the purpose of use specified to the individual.

Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not disclose your personal information without your prior consent, except when permitted by law or when it corresponds to the above "Provision of personal information to a contractor".

Request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties of retained personal data
If you wish to disclose, correct, add, delete, suspend the use of personal data, suspend the provision of personal data to a third party, etc., after identity verification by the prescribed procedure, we will correspond promptly.

a)Requests for disclosure, correction, addition, erasure, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, etc. of retained personal data
Image Magic Co., Ltd. Personal information inquiry contact
Rising Plaza Korakuen 6th floor, 1-3-11, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002 Japan
* Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and Golden Week, it will be handled on the next business day or later.

b) Procedures of requesting disclosure, etc. of retained personal data.
1) Procedures for requesting disclosure, etc.
(1) After accepting your request, we will mail you the prescribed application form "Claim for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data".
(2) Please mail the completed application form, documents confirming that you are the proxy if requested by a proxy, and postal money order for the fee (only for confirmation of purpose of use and request for disclosure) to the above personal information inquiry contact.
(3) After receiving the above application form, we may inquire about 2 items (eg, phone number and date of birth) of the personal information registered with us to verify your identity.
(4) As a general rule, we will reply to you in writing (by mail).

2) Documents to confirm that you are a proxy when requested by a proxy
If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is a proxy, please enclose the material certifying that you are the proxy and the material certifying yourself. The registered domicile information included in each material should be up to the prefecture, and the domicile information before the prefecture should be blacked out. In addition, please send each material without personal identity number, or paint and coat all digits with black ink.
(1) Material to prove that you are a proxy
<In the case of a proxy delegated by the person to request disclosure, etc.>
The person's power of attorney (original)
<If the proxy is a legal representative of a minor> A copy of either
Family register copy
Resident's card (with relationship)
Other official documents that can confirm the legal agency right
<If the proxy is a legal proxy of an adult ward> A copy of either
Certificate of registration regarding guardianship registration, etc.
Other official documents that can confirm the legal agency right
(2) Documents that prove the proxy himself
Driver's license
Health insurance card
Resident's card
3) Fee for requesting confirmation or disclosure of purpose of use 1,000 yen
(Please enclose the postal money order with the application form.)

Use of cookies
A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to your computer's hard disk for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies allow us to remember information about your preferences for a particular site and make your use of the web more useful.
The use of cookies has become an industry standard, and many sites use cookies to provide useful functionality to their users. Cookies identify the computer you use, but they do not identify your identification.
We may use cookies in the following cases.
In providing customized services, we may use cookies for your convenience. This cookie is set when you visit a customized page or log in.
It may be used to measure the number of users of our related sites.

Collection of access logs
We aggregate access logs to determine what services our customers like. The access log contains the domain name and IP address of the person who accessed it, the type of browser used, the date and time of access, etc., but does not contain any personally identifiable information. The access log is used only as statistical data and is not linked to your personal information.

Changes and notifications of this privacy policy
We will comply with applicable laws and norms regarding personal information held by our services and will review and improve the activities in this privacy policy as appropriate.
We may change this privacy policy without notice as necessary, so please always check the latest contents.

The inquiry contact
For other inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the person in charge below.
Image Magic Co., Ltd. Personal information inquiry contact
Rising Plaza Korakuen 6th floor, 1-3-11, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002 Japan